Anmarie is inhabited by sculpture.
Her other passion is the human face, which she has always scrutinized and which obsesses her.
After a professional incursion into the graphic arts, advertising, town planning…… She returns to her first love: Sculpture and her heads, which she declines in clay, resin and bronze, working in series.
Do not go looking for smooth or conventional portraits, the heads of AnnMarie are disturbing, they are sometimes extended by a neck or the embryo of a shoulder, sometimes by a body.
They are more deformed, with looks of great strength, Anma says she was influenced by Bacon, Daumier, Jérôme Bosch… It is a devouring passion buried for many years.
His way of making his revolution is not to cut off heads but to sculpt them directly without sketches, from memory or from the imagination.
A high-flying exercise in which Anmarie excels.